A Hint of What’s to Come

A New Travel Tales Series

The Travel Tales

Adventurer Series

New Covers Group 1

Over the last four decades, I’ve interviewed nearly 1,750 world travelers and adventurers in my own travels to more than 125 countries throughout the world. I am weaving their 10,000 or so fantastic travel tales — as well as my own — into a psychology of travel as revealed by these very telling stories.

These are travelers I’ve met on planes, trains, buses, ships, tours, safaris, and in campgrounds, cafes, and pubs or occasionally through other travelers. These travelers and adventurers have freely shared their most personal travel tales with me, which I, in turn, get to share with you now through my Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series, in general, and my new Travel Tales Adventurer Series, here, in particular.

Each ebook and audiobook in my new Travel Tales Adventurer Series will feature a selection of noteworthy travel tales on a particular, specific country or travel theme, including complete stories and briefer vignettes. (See the accompanying photos of examples of some of my forthcoming titles in the series.)

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Travel tales are told here — but with this one unique difference — with my being the world’s first travel psychologist, you’ll get more of the psychological pay dirt behind the incredible travel tales told to me by these truly adventurous travelers.

Ebooks will be available soon through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Apple Ibooks as well as in my own ESTORE on this website.

Similarly, audiobook versions will be avaie through Audible, Amazon, and Apple iTunes.

Expect upwards of as many as 100 forthcoming titles in The Travel Tales
 Adventurer Series.

About the Author

The Travel Tales Adventurer 


I am Michael Brein, aka The Travel Psychologist. I am an author, lecturer, travel storyteller, adventurer, and publisher of travel books and guides. I regularly appear in newspapers, magazines, blogs, and radio programs on the psychology of travel.

I am the first to coin the term travel psychology. As such, through my doctoral studies, work and life experiences, and world travels, I have become the world’s first — and perhaps only — travel psychologist.

I publish travel tales ebooks and audiobooks — collections of travel stories on very specific travel subjects, themes, and countries of interest. I also publish a travel guide series on sightseeing by public transportation.

I reside on beautiful Bainbridge Island, off of Seattle in Washington state.

You can view ‘The Travel Psychologist’ blog and website at http://www.michaelbrein.com.

You may email me at michaelbrein@gmail.com

I invite you to visit my ESTORE by clicking here ESTORE or in the navigation links above.

An Example

Travel Tales

Close Calls & Great Escapes!

Close Calls Cover

Travel Tales: Close Calls & Great Escapes, part of my new Travel Tales Adventurer Series, is a collection of very scary true travel tales of coming close to serious trouble in your travels, but managing to just barely escape in time.

Fearful things can and do happen in travel, but the odds are mainly in your favor: mostly these terrifying occurrences will not happen to you, but they could.

And when and if they do, you get to experience what real, raw fear is all about. These are almost always very unsettling occasions that can potentially pop up now and again in your travels.

This travel tales collection is the place to hear about some close calls and great escapes that have unfortunately happened to others. I hope they don’t happen to you in your own travels, but if they do, I sincerely hope you manage to escape as these travelers did. And, hopefully, you’re at least all the wiser for reading about them in these very pages.

Interview with Tommy:

Interview with Travel Blogger

Is Travel a Drug?

 September 5, 2015

Hi Dr. Brein,

I was doing research for an article and I came across your website. I can’t believe there are no other travel psychologists! I studied psychology at UCSC and travel is my number one passion, so I’m a bit jealous you beat me to it!

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Anyways, I am writing an article regarding the question “Is Travel A Drug?” I can find a million articles on how travel makes us happy but nothing about whether it can be addictive. We all know about the blues that can occur when returning from a long trip and the urge we have to go back. I have many friends that are afraid to come home from their travels because travel is the only thing that really makes them happy. I would love to hear your take on the following questions for my article:

1. Can travel change the brain to where it starts to crave new experiences the way a heroin addict craves heroin?

I can’t really prove this or make a good case, but I suspect that there probably are changes in the brains of habitual travelers. Similar changes that may occur in the brain pathways from the rewards of travel as extreme adventurers, e.g., mountain climbers probably get from the exhilaration that results from the extreme degrees of satisfaction and accomplishment of complex physical adventurous tasks (such as mountain climbing, white water rafting, and so on).

See my document “The Exhilaration of Travel: Why I Love to Travel.” 

2. Can travel act as a drug that has positive long term effects? Negative long term effects?

Notwithstanding, not being able to resolutely affirm brain pathway changes from travel, nonetheless, there is a definite “psychological addiction” to travel. Like any other ‘habit,’ over-dependency on just about anything certainly has its drawbacks.

In so far as travel is concerned, I believe that what is so addictive is the immediacy of ‘rewards’ (and punshments) that occurs as a consequence of our actions in travel. We are in, what amounts to, a kind of ‘time machine,’ where events and activities are condensed in time—a microcosmic and kaleidoscopic cornucopia of exciting sensory experiences—all speeded up—in our own travel microcosm.

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Consequences of our actions are quicker. Rewards are more imminent (as are rebukes or punishments). The result is that benefits and achievements are more instantaneous—we grow, we mature, we achieve much more quickly than how it happens in our typical mundane daily lives. What can be more satisfying than that!

Travel reins in the Maslow Needs Hierarchy ladder in a condensed period of time. When the rewards flow so quickly in our travels relative to our normal existences, we certainly want more of the same. Hence, a form of addiction!


(click on image to enlarge)

Of course, too much of a good thing, might dissuade us or deviate us away from other important life quests.

The people who might suffer the most from too much ‘premature’ travel are those younger individuals who cast aside the normal, important life quests such as education, career, marriage, and so on—the normal life activities that are important to be started in a reasonable, timely fashion.

Thus, there is the danger that the lure of travel could offset these important life activities.

Having said all of the above, I doubt that these effects are that limiting. I cannot personally see any real harmful, long-term effects of continuous travel. Perhaps, fortunately, the costs of continuous travel are self-limiting. And those of us who are fortunate to be able to so much travel—well, we’ve learned how to do it, haven’t we? This, in and of itself, has to be useful in normal living, I would say!

3. Are people afraid of returning from their trips not because they are having too much fun, but because of deeper personal issues they are running away from?

Well, this certainly is a factor. Travel does have its escapist side to it. You can run but you cannot hide forever. Hopefully, travel allows a balance, whereby we have plenty of time to evaluate our lives and issues during travel. Enough so that maybe the time away can be useful for reflection and dealing with pressing issues that await our return.

4. Why do some people feel the need to always be traveling and never return home?

Those of us who are fortunate to have continuous travel-lives might be able to teach the rest of us something. You cannot come away from extensive travel without having learned some very useful, important things that have application to the rest of our lives.

5. Why do some people crave going back abroad even after they just finished a long trip?

It’s, no doubt, among other things, the exhilaration of travel. To me, it is like the first spring breath of fresh air upon walking out the door to the first true early morning of spring, especially after a cold, snowy winter. It’s like the exhilaration of reaching the crest of a hill or the top of a mountain, or the view around the turn of the next corner—the natural-high rush of a magnificent view.

 Thank you for any information. In return, you can use any of my stories from my website to share! I love telling/writing my travel stories. They are all here with many more to come: tommygoround.com.

To see Tommy’s completed article, go to “Is Travel a Drug?”

The Exhilaration of Travel: Why I Love to Travel

“The Exhilaration of Travel:
Why I Love to Travel”

by Michael Brein, Ph.D.,
aka The Travel Psychologist


Why I love to travel: Travel is exhilarating for me. It is like the first spring breath of fresh air upon walking out the door to the first true early morning of spring—especially after a cold, snowy winter. It is like snacking on a solid bar of dark chocolate. It’s like the exhilaration of reaching the crest of a hill or the top of a mountain, or the view around the turn of the next corner—the natural-high rush of a magnificent view.

Talk about the so-called endorphins you get from a variety of life’s experience—only travel can give you a kaleidoscopic cornucopia of exciting novel sensory experiences, all in your own neat little travel microcosm—all in your own little private new corner of your travel world or your travel life.

Continue reading The Exhilaration of Travel: Why I Love to Travel

Travel Tales Collections Bookazine

Travel Tales Collections
No. 12 July 2015

England, Ireland & the British Isles Stories

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My new Travel Tales Collection, issue No. 12 for July 2015, England, Ireland & the British Isles Stories, a monthly book-of-the-month bookazine, is now available in my eStore. Go to www.michaelbrein.com for more information or to purchase simply click on the ESTORE button above and to the right.

Special Offer for Summer 2015!

Are you going to London the summer or fall?

Would you like a free copy of my best selling travel guide, Michael Brein’s Guide to London by the Underground?

If so, please see the Special Offer below.

Continue reading Travel Tales Collections Bookazine

Travel Tales Monthly Bookazine

Travel Tales Monthly
No. 12 June 2015

Travel Tales: The Paranormal & the Strange

TTM 12 Cover copy

My new Travel Tales Monthly issue No. 12 for June 2015, a monthly book-of-the-month bookazine, is now available in my eStore. Go towww.michaelbrein.com for more information and to purchase or subscribe.

Michael Brein’s Travel Tales Monthly Bookazine Issue No. 12 for June 2015 contains among the best travel stories from Michael’s huge collection of about 10,000 travel tales that he has gathered in interviews with nearly 1,750 world travelers and adventurers during his four decades of travel to more than 125 countries throughout the world.

Continue reading Travel Tales Monthly Bookazine

Putting the Passion of Psychology Back into Travel