A Travel Story

Bocca della Verita
(Mouth of Truth)

I’ve written an ebook and audiobook in my Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series on the best of my own collected personal travel stories of my extensive life of travel. I’m so proud of this ebook. Why not have a looksee or a listenhear to Travel Tales of Michael Brein: My Best 100?

An Excerpt from
Travel Tales of Michael Brein: My Best 100

When it comes to stretching the truth once in a while, telling occasional white lies or seeing what we can get away with in our travels, we are not necessarily corrupt, evil beings: we are often just people stretching and expanding our boundaries a bit to see what more and how we can be.

Below is one of my best travel stories in my collection involving my visit to the famed “Mouth of Truth” statue in Rome. Not only have I placed my hand in this infamous mouth (and fortunately managed to retract it as well), but I spent a few hours one day observing others and came to a few interesting conclusions.

Continue reading A Travel Story

A Travel Story

Looking for Lions in all the Wrong Places!

I’ve written an ebook and audiobook in my Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series on the best of my own collected personal travel stories of my extensive life of travel. I’m so proud of this ebook. Why not have a looksee or a listenhear to Travel Tales of Michael Brein: My Best 100?

An Excerpt from
Travel Tales of Michael Brein: My Best 100

When it comes to experts and authorities, Americans, for better or worse, tend to rely upon and defer to so-called bogus ‘experts’! To read more about tainted travel advice, please see my recent post elsewhere on this site  http://michaelbrein.com/in-the-news-today-57/ Continue reading A Travel Story

A Travel Story

Taxis from Hell!

I’ve written an ebook and audiobook in my Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series on the best of my own collected personal travel stories of my extensive life of travel. I’m so proud of this ebook. Why not have a looksee or a listenhear?

Taxicabs From Hell

An Excerpt from
Travel Tales of Michael Brein: My Best 100

When it comes to taxicabs, negotiate! negotiate! negotiate!

Continue reading A Travel Story

In the News Today: Condé Nast Traveler

The Travel Psychologist Is in the News Today


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What Exactly Is the Wanderlust Spirit?

In case your Spanish is not quite up to snuff, here’s the part quoted of me (first in Spanish, then in approximate English):

“Hay más expertos que han estudiado el espíritu wanderlust y sus orígenes. El doctor Michael Brein, uno de los primeros en especializarse en la “psicología de viajes”, ha recorrido medio mundo en busca de respuestas, pero admite que éste es un tema complicado y que deberíamos estudiarlo más bien como un elemento psicológico. “Es difícil enlazar la personalidad de un individuo con un gen. Pongamos el ejemplo de los pintores: ¿nacen con un gen que les convierte en artistas naturales o son simplemente personas que han aprendido de los elementos que les rodean?”. Según Michal Brein, “la condición humana es compleja” y existen decenas de elementos sociales, culturales, biológicos y fisiológicos que juegan un papel importante. Por lo tanto, según este punto de vista, es más fácil hablar de un espíritu wanderlust que de un gen en sí.”

(Now a semblance of English): “There are more experts who have studied the wanderlust spirit and origins. Dr. Michael Brein, one of the first to specialize in the “psychology of travel” has traveled halfway around the world in search of answers, but admits that this is a complicated issue and we should study it more as a psychological element. “It is difficult to link the personality of an individual with a gene. Take the example of painters: born with a gene that makes them natural artists or are simply people who have learned the elements around them? “. According to Michal Brein, “the human condition is complex,” and there are dozens of social, cultural and physiological elements, which play an important biological role. Therefore, according to this view, it is easier to talk about a wanderlust spirit rather than of a gene per se.”


Putting the Passion of Psychology Back into Travel