A Hint of What’s to Come

The Story of Heine

An Excerpt from  
Travel Tales Monthly No. 12 June 2015

Heine Look-Like

I’m about to complete a new ebook and audiobook in my Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series on the best of my collected travel stories so far on the paranormal and the strange. It’s interesting as hell! I’m so proud of this ebook. Why not have a looksee or a listenhear? 

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In the News One Day: The Washington Post

The Travel Psychologist
Was in the News One Day!

The Washington Post


The Challenge: 50 States in 50 Days!


Well, a FIRST from the past on a Friday—my own version of a “First Friday.”

I was first to fly to all 50 States—at least in the contest put on by United Airlines in 1984. I came in first! I completed the contest challenge in 13 days of practically non-stop flying.

Here’s the article in the Washington Post on June 30, 1985.


Travel Tales Collections Bookazine

Travel Tales Collections
No. 11 June 2015

Paris & France Stories

TTC 11 Cover copy

My new Travel Tales Collection, issue No. 11 for June 2015, Paris & France Stories, a monthly book-of-the-month bookazine, is now available in my eStore. Go to www.michaelbrein.com for more information or to purchase simply click on the ESTORE button above and to the right.

Special Offer for Summer 2015!

Are you going to Paris this summer?

Would you like a free copy of my best selling travel guide, Michael Brein’s Guide to Paris by the Metro?

If so, please see the Special Offer below.

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A Hint of What’s to Come

The French Waiter!
(In General)

An Excerpt from  
Travel Tales Collection No. 11 June 2015
Travel Tales of Paris & France

The French Waiter

I’m about to complete a new ebook and audiobook in my Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series on the best of my collected travel stories so far on Paris and France. It’s interesting and funny as hell! I’m so proud of this ebook. Why not have a looksee or a listenhear? I even have a special offer for you this summer to help pave the way for you (see below).

Continue reading A Hint of What’s to Come

Travel Tales Monthly Bookazine

Travel Tales Monthly
No. 11 May 2015

Travel Tales: Planes, Trains & Automobiles

My new Travel Tales Monthly issue No. 11 for May 2015, a monthly book-of-the-month bookazine, is now available in my eStore. Go to www.michaelbrein.com for more information and to purchase or subscribe.

Michael Brein’s Travel Tales Monthly Bookazine Issue No. 11 for May 2015 contains among the best travel stories from Michael’s huge collection of about 10,000 travel tales that he has gathered in interviews with nearly 1,750 world travelers and adventurers during his four decades of travel to more than 125 countries throughout the world.

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Travel Tales Collections Bookazine

Travel Tales Collections
No. 10 May 2015

Morocco & North Africa Stories

TTC 10 Cover copy

My new Travel Tales Collection, issue No. 10 for May 2015, Morocco Stories, a monthly book-of-the-month bookazine, is now available in my eStore. Go to www.michaelbrein.com for more information  or to purchase or subscribe. And if you are looking for something unique for your traveler-adventurer friends, my travel tales ebooks will fill the bill!

Travel Tales Collection, Morocco Stories, No. 10, May 2015, is part of Michael Brein’s Collections travel tales series and contains among the best travel stories from Michael’s huge collection of travel tales that he has gathered in interviews with nearly 1,750 world travelers and adventurers during his four decades of travel to more than 125 countries throughout the world.

Continue reading Travel Tales Collections Bookazine

Strategic Temper Tantrums


Strategic Temper Tantrums

Do they Ever Work?

022 Italy Border020 Tantrum

Top: Temper tantrum tried to avoid long customs lines arriving in Italy from Greece. Result: abject failure. Cost this guy 4 extra hours!

Bottom: Temper tantrum exercised in a Madrid luxury car dealer-ship. Result: they fixed his car immediately! Saved at least a day!

The Speed Trap

Italian Riviera, 1964
by Michael Brein

(Reproduced from the Audible audiobook version of
Travel Tales of Michael Brein: My Best 100!
Written by Michael Brein; narrated by Gary Roelofs.)

Travel Tales Monthly Bookazine

Travel Tales Monthly
No. 10 April 2015

Travel Tales: the Best of the Best

TTM 10 Cover

My new Travel Tales Monthly issue No. 10 for April 2015, a monthly book-of-the-month bookazine, is now available in my eStore. Go to www.michaelbrein.com for more information and to purchase or subscribe.

Michael Brein’s Travel Tales Monthly Bookazine Issue No. 10 for April 2015 contains among the best travel stories from Michael’s huge collection of about 10,000 travel tales that he has gathered in interviews with nearly 1,750 world travelers and adventurers during his four decades of travel to more than 125 countries throughout the world.

Continue reading Travel Tales Monthly Bookazine

Why Be Your Old Boring Self?

Be your-SELVES in your travels!

Tired of being your old mundane, boring self?
The Three R(E)’s of Travel and then Some!

Travel Psych Hats

 (click to enlarge)

Why be your old mundane, everyday boring, bored, tired self in your travels and adventures? Just kidding—sort of! You get what I mean.

That is, travel is supposed to be a way to RE-invigorate, RE-juvinate,  RE-fresh, RE-set, and RE-invent ourselves, isn’t it?

When you go away on a vacation or adventure you all would like to be and do more than just the typical ordinary things according to your typical ordinary ways, and so on, wouldn’t you?

I mean, travel is a means to becoming  a RE-newed person—more of the person we would like ourselves to be, don’t you think?

Continue reading Why Be Your Old Boring Self?

Putting the Passion of Psychology Back into Travel