Travel Tales Monthly
No. 10 April 2015
Travel Tales: the Best of the Best
My new Travel Tales Monthly issue No. 10 for April 2015, a monthly book-of-the-month bookazine, is now available in my eStore. Go to for more information and to purchase or subscribe.
Michael Brein’s Travel Tales Monthly Bookazine Issue No. 10 for April 2015 contains among the best travel stories from Michael’s huge collection of about 10,000 travel tales that he has gathered in interviews with nearly 1,750 world travelers and adventurers during his four decades of travel to more than 125 countries throughout the world.
It’s ‘award time,’ so-to-speak! It’s now that I choose to pause for a bit and select the very best of the best so far from approximately the first-third of some 600 hours of roughly 10,000 recorded travel tales told to me over the last four decades by nearly 1,750 world travelers and adventurers, whom I’ve encountered during my many journeys across our globe.
In the campgrounds, on safaris, on cruise ships, on airplanes, during mealtimes, and at coffee, as well as during drunken Sunday morning pubfests, where Brit airline crew members even fought for my microphone to blurt out their best tales.
I garnered this huge collection of travel stories, for the purpose of now sharing them with you throughout my published ebook and audiobook series. Oh yeah, I’ve spread a huge number of them so far throughout the pages across this series of Travel Tales Monthly and Travel Tales Collections.
And I’ve said it many times: “You wouldn’t believe the incredible stories people have told me about their travels.” And now is the time to choose the most incredible of them—the very best of the first batch of the whole darned deal!
We’ll pause again later on to present a continuation of the best of the next 1/3 of all the travel tales gathered so far. Then, as we wend our way through the final third of my collection of travel stories, we’ll take a break to present the next final best of the best.
Finally, at some point, towards the completion of the The Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series, I’ll present in one final edition—the very best of the best of all the travel tales shared with me as well as some of my own best travel tales.
The quest to share the best has been my personal mission from the outset of starting my travel tales series. Of course, it is a fairly subjective thing for me to decide what qualifies as ‘the best,’ especially when I personally feel that each and every travel tidbit, whether a snippet, comment, paragraph, vignette, or a completely told tale has had something going for it: whether just interesting, educational, informative, entertaining, or in some cases, truly profound and some even mystical.
I have always personally grown or gained in some way from hearing just about any travel experience that a traveler has shared with me. I have been extremely fortunate to be on the receiving end of so many phenomenal human experiences that travelers have freely shared with me, which, in turn, I share with you.
Not all of the tales have had happy beginnings or endings for the tellers, themselves, whether about themselves or about others. All these stories deserve to be told. But since, of course, it is not humanly possible to absorb all the tales of the experiences of these 1,750 people whom I’ve interviewed over mainly four decades of my own travels across our planet, someone has to do the selecting. And that selector, of course, is me.
Please enjoy these first bests of the best in this issue No. 10 April 2015 of Travel Tales Monthly.
Introduction to Travel Tales of the Best of 10,000 Stories.
Part 1
Travel Tales of the Best of 10,000 Stories is divided for the time being into two parts simply because there is so much material. Part 1 appears here in the current Travel Tales Monthly issue No. 10 April 2015 and serves as a general introduction to this subject matter.
Part 2
The unabridged, expanded forthcoming ebook Travel Tales of the Best of 10,000 Stories, part of The Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series, is a larger volume and includes both Parts 1 and 2. Basically, it will include more of best travel stories within the first batch of the original 200 hours of recorded travel tales.
The travel stories in Part 1 consist mainly of the most interesting travel tales of Michael Brein (me), the author plus some other contributors, which have appeared so far in my Travel Tales Monthly and Travel Tales Collections series.
The travel stories in Part 2 contain, additionally, some of the best and greatest stories of world travelers and adventurers whom I’ve encountered and interviewed throughout my travels over the last four decades to 125 countries. These additional stories will not have yet appeared in The Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series.
Mostly your travels will typically be fairly exciting and interesting, but not necessarily deep and profound. Some of your travels will no doubt be great, meaningful, and memorable, though, not necessarily life-changing or life-threatening by any means.
But truly astounding and memorable things can happen to you at almost any turn along the way.
The ‘best of the best’ (and by this I mean the truly good, wonderful, great, noteworthy, scary, dangerous, bad, and the horrible) don’t necessarily happen to all of us. So, maybe some of our travel-life experiences do make necessarily make it into the ‘best’ category.
The bests are reserved to give us some pause for thought and contemplation. Some of these ‘best’ would be great to happen to you and me. And, of course, some not at all.
I hope truly momentous travel events of the good kind happen to you, and those of the bad kind do not. And I sincerely hope that the best selection of travel tales that appear in these pages will give you pause to think about your life and your travels and give you a hopeful hint of what possibly lies in store for you in your own travels.
If something fantastic and interesting happens to you, you deserve to also be in these pages!
Got a great travel tale for The Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series?
Please contact Michael Brein at
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