Travel Tales Collections Bookazine

Travel Tales Collections
No. 5 December 2014

Close Calls & Great Escapes 

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My new Travel Tales Collection, Close Calls & Great Escapes 1, a monthly bookazine, issue No 5 for December 2014, is now available in my eStore.

Go to my eStore on this site  for more information and to rent or purchase. And if you are looking for something unique for your traveler-adventurer friends my travel tales ebooks will fill the bill!

Michael Brein’s Travel Tales Collection, Close Calls & Great Escapes 1, features frightening and horrific tales of fear and panic that can most certainly happen to you in your travels. Scary things do happen occasionally, and, for the most part, your travels are the usual, typical, expected sorts of normal non-anxious experiences. But there are also those unexpected, strange dangerous surprises that pop up now and again in your journeys.

The Travel Tales Collection, Close Calls & Great Escapes 1, features stories of fear and panic, dangerous men, and menacing Gypsies, such as in, Men with Machetes, Bad Day at Red Frog, Airline Hijacking, and more.

Just because you’ve never experienced danger at home, let alone in your travels, doesn’t mean it cannot happen to you sometime when you least expect it!

The Travel Tales Collection, Close Calls & Great Escapes 1, is part of Michael Brein’s Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series and contains among the best travel stories from Michael’s huge collection of travel tales that he has gathered in interviews with nearly 1,750 world travelers and adventurers during his four decades of travel to more than 125 countries throughout the world.

Travel Tales Collections are groups of very interesting similar travel stories of a kind on a variety of very specific travel subjects, themes, or countries, such as close calls, great escapes, pickpocketing, scams, safety and security in travel, Paris, Morocco, Mexico, and so on.

Eventually, several hundred Travel Tales Collections on all sorts of specific travel subjects, themes, and countries will be available on all the major eReaders.

Future Travel Tales Collections will include additional travel stories on dangerous close calls and lucky great escapes.

Finally, Michael Brein’s Travel Tales Collection, Close Calls & Great Escapes 1, is one of a five part mini-series of travel tales, the parts of which are all available for purchase or rental as standalone items in our eStore.


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