The Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series
Michael Brein’s Travel Psychologist Travel Tales Series is a growing collection of more than 200 ebooks, each one varying according to a particular subject or country, and containing about 10 or 12 fascinating travel tales from nearly 1,750 world travelers and adventurers whom Michael Brein has met throughout his world travels to more than 125 countries over the last four decades.
The series is travel storytelling par excellence, but with one significant difference: Michael Brein is the world’s first and probably only travel psychologist, who presents the fascinating psychological side of travel, not usually discovered, explored, or discussed heretofore. You’ll get interesting insights about people and travel that you may never have ever thought of before.
Travel Tales of Michael Brein: My Best 100 and Travel Tales of Michael: My Top 10 are the first two ebooks in the series and are now available in the eStore or through the usual ebook distributors.
We cordially invite you to browse the shelves at The Travel Psychologist eStore!